Securing Hope Ministry is a ministry dedicated to providing education that will result in the habitual practice of abstinence and the valuing of virginity by our youth and single population.
We believe that the second most important decisions a young person can make is to remain a virgin or if sexually active, to refrain from sexual activity and become celibate until marriage, which can only be achieved by the conviction and conversion of the Holy Spirit.
We believe to ignore or neglect the ministry of encouraging and promoting the value of virginity within the Body of Christ, is actually assisting the enemy in his attack on the Church. The negative impact on the single sexually active individual is devastating physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually and what adversely affects the individual member adversely affects the Church. This also adversely impacts their family, their community, and society.
For an example:
There are over 19 million new cases of STIs (sexually transmitted infections) each year in the US and almost half of these individuals are young people between the ages of 15-24.
Most people who have a STI don’t know they have been infected. Presently 25% of all teenager girls have a STI (Sexually Transmitted Infection, new name for STD).
There are two young people contracting HIV every hour of every day in the US. Half of all new HIV infections occur among adolescents.
Thirty four percent or 820,000 young women become pregnant at least once before they reach the age of 20 each year. These mothers and their children have an extremely high probability of long-term poverty and welfare dependence. This lifestyle is unfortunately passed on to future generations. Teen pregnancy costs the United States at least $7 billion annually.
Half of all pregnancies of American women are unintended; four in 10 of these end in abortion. Fifty-two percent of U.S. women obtaining abortions are younger than 25: Women aged 20-24 obtain 33% of all abortions, and teenagers obtain 19%. There are well over 5,000 babies aborted in America EACH WEEK by Planned Parenthood alone. More African-American babies have been killed by abortion since 1973 (14 million+) than the total number of African-American deaths from ALL other causes combined!
When compared to teens that are not sexually active, teenage boys and girls who are sexually active are significantly less likely to be happy and more likely to feel depressed and are significantly more likely to attempt suicide. Last but not least, a vast majority of teens who are sexually active state that they wish they would have waited to become sexually active!
Presently there is a major promotion of comprehensive sexual education, with specific focus on condom use. Although condoms have and will prevent some transmission of STIs and pregnancies, its use gives young people as well as those who are older, a false sense of security, because there are STIs that can be transmitted even with proper condom use, i.e. herpes, HPV, gonorrhea, hepatitis B, syphilis and HIV. The reported condom failure rate has been as low as 2%. However other studies have the rate as high as 30% with 15-18% being an average failure rate among teens.
The reasons for the high failure rates are really understandable. The reported 2% rate is based on condoms being used properly “each time” by adults engaged in “vaginal” intercourse, not teens who are in many cases not responsible enough to use condoms as taught, if taught. Speaking of being responsible, many teens are not even responsible enough to just clean up their bedroom. When the “real” failure rate among teens is considered, the rate will consistently be a lot higher than the reported 2%. As a matter of fact, when a study was done with college students, it was found that the consistent and proper use of condoms was not realized.
Another major consideration is the fact that the studies done on condom use do not include anal intercourse, which is the major sexual practice among homosexual and bisexual males. The failure rate experienced when this type of sexual activity is practiced makes the failure rate many more times higher than the rate seen in vaginal intercourse. The rise in MSM (men having sex with men) and the push to accept homosexuality and bi-sexuality as a “normal” lifestyle, increases the danger of engaging in sex outside of marriage because one never knows the prior sexual practices or partners of their sex partner. Again, it cannot be said that condom use by sexually active teens and singles is not beneficial to some degree, however it can be said that they are always taking a chance in contracting a disease that at best can be cured if caught in time and at worse will kill them. Being sexually active with condom use also increases the spread of diseases that can’t be prevented with condom use, most of which is incurable! Ever heard of herpes?
One of the main consequences that condom supporters never mention, yet is as serious as the diseases one exposes oneself to when sexually promiscuous, is the adverse emotional, mental and spiritual affects sex outside of marriage will cause. Obviously condoms cannot and will not prevent these consequences. As mentioned earlier, depression, guilt, fear, suicidal thoughts and low self worth are the non-preventable results of sexually promiscuity. In many instances, these consequences are worse than the STI or pregnancy experienced by many teens and singles. The ability to experience meaningful relationships is hampered and in some cases this type of experience is impossible. Sexual activity is not just physical, it affects the entire person! Abstinence is the ONLY practice that is guaranteed, 100%, to prevent all chances of our youth and single population from experiencing an activity that could ruin their entire life, and adversely affect their posterity.
With this said, it is the goal of Securing Hope Ministry to help substantially decrease the trends mentioned above and become be a major institution promoting the value of abstinence and virginity. We propose to accomplish this in three major areas of focus.
1) We offer our services to local school systems and youth groups to teach the importance and benefits of abstinence-only-until-marriage. We believe that since abstinence is the ONLY lifestyle that insures not only the prevention of diseases but also gives our youth the best chance of experiencing a fruitful life and avoid ALL the pitfalls associated with being sexually active, this education would be one that positively impacts the child, his or her family, their community, state, and the nation. The more this type of education is offered and experienced by our youth, the greater the positive impact will be on society. This will result in reduced public funding to prevent or having to deal with unwed pregnancies and STI treatment, teen emotional and mental issues and suicides. It will also foster an appreciation for committed life-long relationships that will positively impact generations.
What we do to educate our youth in this respect will help to positively impact our society and make it more productive with individuals that have positive self worth and a greater respect for others. They will be able to contribute to society instead of depending on society. We propose to teach abstinence ONLY to those children whose parents or guardians value this type of exposure exclusively for their children. Although we do discuss condom use in our presentation, we tell the truth about the fallacy of “safe sex” and clearly identify the limits of protection in regards to condom use.
2) We offer curriculums that will teach and empower the parent to be able to talk with their children about sexual issues and the value of abstinence. We firmly believe that the discussion of sexuality should not be void in the home, as a matter of fact, it should start at home and the child should have all of the necessary information about sexuality given to them by their parents. This would reduce the pressure on the school system to be the main educator when it comes to human sexuality. Most parents don’t talk about sexual issues with their child because they have not been taught. Our parent focused curriculum will be directed at giving parents the information that will make them feel more comfortable and even motivated to talk with their children. The education will also instill in the parent the value of abstinence and the dangers and consequences of their child being sexually active. If we empower the parent, we empower the child!
3) Our third and most important area of education will be the Church. We believe by providing education directed at the many congregations and spiritual bodies throughout the nation, we will provide another means of support and encouragement for singles, parents and children to make abstinence their lifestyle choice. Most teens and young adults who have chosen to be abstinence until marriage as their lifestyle, give their religious and/or spiritual values as the reason for their choice. We believe the Church can be a powerful ally when it comes to improving society’s attitude in regards to promoting and encouraging abstinence. Once a pastor and his or her congregation make virginity and celibacy a priority in their congregation, positive peer pressure will develop and increased compliance to sexual purity by our youth will be realized. Parents will also be motivated to get involved with and become their child’s primary sexuality educator. We believe that the primary education dealing with sexual issues MUST be from home, we are working with the Body of Christ to help make this a reality!
This threefold approach will increase the number of teens and young adults who decide to remain abstinence. Because of the exposure from the home and Church, the school will no longer be the ONLY source of sex education, and hopefully will be relieved of this responsibility. The home and Church will also insure a more consistent reference to the abstinence lifestyle and will obviously reduce the need for public funding for the consequences of sexual promiscuity.
We believe that the second most important decisions a young person can make is to remain a virgin or if sexually active, to refrain from sexual activity and become celibate until marriage, which can only be achieved by the conviction and conversion of the Holy Spirit.
We believe to ignore or neglect the ministry of encouraging and promoting the value of virginity within the Body of Christ, is actually assisting the enemy in his attack on the Church. The negative impact on the single sexually active individual is devastating physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually and what adversely affects the individual member adversely affects the Church. This also adversely impacts their family, their community, and society.
For an example:
There are over 19 million new cases of STIs (sexually transmitted infections) each year in the US and almost half of these individuals are young people between the ages of 15-24.
Most people who have a STI don’t know they have been infected. Presently 25% of all teenager girls have a STI (Sexually Transmitted Infection, new name for STD).
There are two young people contracting HIV every hour of every day in the US. Half of all new HIV infections occur among adolescents.
Thirty four percent or 820,000 young women become pregnant at least once before they reach the age of 20 each year. These mothers and their children have an extremely high probability of long-term poverty and welfare dependence. This lifestyle is unfortunately passed on to future generations. Teen pregnancy costs the United States at least $7 billion annually.
Half of all pregnancies of American women are unintended; four in 10 of these end in abortion. Fifty-two percent of U.S. women obtaining abortions are younger than 25: Women aged 20-24 obtain 33% of all abortions, and teenagers obtain 19%. There are well over 5,000 babies aborted in America EACH WEEK by Planned Parenthood alone. More African-American babies have been killed by abortion since 1973 (14 million+) than the total number of African-American deaths from ALL other causes combined!
When compared to teens that are not sexually active, teenage boys and girls who are sexually active are significantly less likely to be happy and more likely to feel depressed and are significantly more likely to attempt suicide. Last but not least, a vast majority of teens who are sexually active state that they wish they would have waited to become sexually active!
Presently there is a major promotion of comprehensive sexual education, with specific focus on condom use. Although condoms have and will prevent some transmission of STIs and pregnancies, its use gives young people as well as those who are older, a false sense of security, because there are STIs that can be transmitted even with proper condom use, i.e. herpes, HPV, gonorrhea, hepatitis B, syphilis and HIV. The reported condom failure rate has been as low as 2%. However other studies have the rate as high as 30% with 15-18% being an average failure rate among teens.
The reasons for the high failure rates are really understandable. The reported 2% rate is based on condoms being used properly “each time” by adults engaged in “vaginal” intercourse, not teens who are in many cases not responsible enough to use condoms as taught, if taught. Speaking of being responsible, many teens are not even responsible enough to just clean up their bedroom. When the “real” failure rate among teens is considered, the rate will consistently be a lot higher than the reported 2%. As a matter of fact, when a study was done with college students, it was found that the consistent and proper use of condoms was not realized.
Another major consideration is the fact that the studies done on condom use do not include anal intercourse, which is the major sexual practice among homosexual and bisexual males. The failure rate experienced when this type of sexual activity is practiced makes the failure rate many more times higher than the rate seen in vaginal intercourse. The rise in MSM (men having sex with men) and the push to accept homosexuality and bi-sexuality as a “normal” lifestyle, increases the danger of engaging in sex outside of marriage because one never knows the prior sexual practices or partners of their sex partner. Again, it cannot be said that condom use by sexually active teens and singles is not beneficial to some degree, however it can be said that they are always taking a chance in contracting a disease that at best can be cured if caught in time and at worse will kill them. Being sexually active with condom use also increases the spread of diseases that can’t be prevented with condom use, most of which is incurable! Ever heard of herpes?
One of the main consequences that condom supporters never mention, yet is as serious as the diseases one exposes oneself to when sexually promiscuous, is the adverse emotional, mental and spiritual affects sex outside of marriage will cause. Obviously condoms cannot and will not prevent these consequences. As mentioned earlier, depression, guilt, fear, suicidal thoughts and low self worth are the non-preventable results of sexually promiscuity. In many instances, these consequences are worse than the STI or pregnancy experienced by many teens and singles. The ability to experience meaningful relationships is hampered and in some cases this type of experience is impossible. Sexual activity is not just physical, it affects the entire person! Abstinence is the ONLY practice that is guaranteed, 100%, to prevent all chances of our youth and single population from experiencing an activity that could ruin their entire life, and adversely affect their posterity.
With this said, it is the goal of Securing Hope Ministry to help substantially decrease the trends mentioned above and become be a major institution promoting the value of abstinence and virginity. We propose to accomplish this in three major areas of focus.
1) We offer our services to local school systems and youth groups to teach the importance and benefits of abstinence-only-until-marriage. We believe that since abstinence is the ONLY lifestyle that insures not only the prevention of diseases but also gives our youth the best chance of experiencing a fruitful life and avoid ALL the pitfalls associated with being sexually active, this education would be one that positively impacts the child, his or her family, their community, state, and the nation. The more this type of education is offered and experienced by our youth, the greater the positive impact will be on society. This will result in reduced public funding to prevent or having to deal with unwed pregnancies and STI treatment, teen emotional and mental issues and suicides. It will also foster an appreciation for committed life-long relationships that will positively impact generations.
What we do to educate our youth in this respect will help to positively impact our society and make it more productive with individuals that have positive self worth and a greater respect for others. They will be able to contribute to society instead of depending on society. We propose to teach abstinence ONLY to those children whose parents or guardians value this type of exposure exclusively for their children. Although we do discuss condom use in our presentation, we tell the truth about the fallacy of “safe sex” and clearly identify the limits of protection in regards to condom use.
2) We offer curriculums that will teach and empower the parent to be able to talk with their children about sexual issues and the value of abstinence. We firmly believe that the discussion of sexuality should not be void in the home, as a matter of fact, it should start at home and the child should have all of the necessary information about sexuality given to them by their parents. This would reduce the pressure on the school system to be the main educator when it comes to human sexuality. Most parents don’t talk about sexual issues with their child because they have not been taught. Our parent focused curriculum will be directed at giving parents the information that will make them feel more comfortable and even motivated to talk with their children. The education will also instill in the parent the value of abstinence and the dangers and consequences of their child being sexually active. If we empower the parent, we empower the child!
3) Our third and most important area of education will be the Church. We believe by providing education directed at the many congregations and spiritual bodies throughout the nation, we will provide another means of support and encouragement for singles, parents and children to make abstinence their lifestyle choice. Most teens and young adults who have chosen to be abstinence until marriage as their lifestyle, give their religious and/or spiritual values as the reason for their choice. We believe the Church can be a powerful ally when it comes to improving society’s attitude in regards to promoting and encouraging abstinence. Once a pastor and his or her congregation make virginity and celibacy a priority in their congregation, positive peer pressure will develop and increased compliance to sexual purity by our youth will be realized. Parents will also be motivated to get involved with and become their child’s primary sexuality educator. We believe that the primary education dealing with sexual issues MUST be from home, we are working with the Body of Christ to help make this a reality!
This threefold approach will increase the number of teens and young adults who decide to remain abstinence. Because of the exposure from the home and Church, the school will no longer be the ONLY source of sex education, and hopefully will be relieved of this responsibility. The home and Church will also insure a more consistent reference to the abstinence lifestyle and will obviously reduce the need for public funding for the consequences of sexual promiscuity.

Elder Raymond S. King Jr. is first generation Seventh Day Adventist and has been a member of the Adventist faith for over 39 years. He served as a Local Elder for over twenty years and has also served as First Elder, Deacon, Sabbath School teacher (over 30 years), Sabbath School Superintendent (six years), and AYS Leader. One of Elder King’s spiritual gifts is the gift of teaching. He has conducted numerous Bible and Bible prophesy studies and baptism classes. His students have ranged from middle-school age children to adults. He has an associate degree in Emergency Medicine and worked for his local EMS Service for over eight years where he served the first two years as an EMT, then EMT-IV and the last six plus years as a Paramedic. He was a CPR instructor, an EMT examiner, and also one of two of the first Paramedics in his county to become ACLS (Advance Cardiac Life Support) certified and was recognized and awarded for being involved in saving over ten lives through successful cardiac arrest resuscitation. After leaving EMS he began manufacturing consumable products and has been owner/operator of a manufacturing company which produces over 40 products. He also has been involved in land development and planning, overseeing the development of six sub-divisions totaling over 200 homes. Elder King is also listed as a speaker on the Adventist Meetings speakers list. Click here to view the listing.
He has been married to the former Susan Peay for over 39 years and they have one son, Raymond S. King III. It was his and his wife’s involvement in starting a study group held in their home each Friday night for over 2 ½ years, with teens and young adults, that lead him to start a ministry God called he and his wife to maintain and to serve the Body of Christ.
The ministry is called “Securing Hope Ministry”, it is a non-profit ministry with a mission to help re-establish the value of virginity in the Body of Christ. It was in preparation for an abstinence program that the members of the study group decided to conduct which made Elder King painfully aware of the major issue involving STDs, our youth and singles. This revelation also made him aware of the lack of information on sexual issues in the Church.
His studies in preparation for the abstinence program together with a conviction to help change the way the Church dealt with sex related issues, lead him to continue doing research. He actually learned about subjects and issues he never was taught and certainly did not hear discussed in Church. The revelation regarding the way society, including the Church, looks at sex and the way God intended it to be viewed and understood, being so different, lead Elder King to author his first book entitled, Sex, Satan and the Church…Exposing the Lie! This book establishes the difference between the activity the world calls sex, and the gift God gave to mankind that Elder King calls intimacy. There is a moral difference, and the consequences experienced when one gets involved with the worldly activity are ones adversely affecting generations. The book is candid and comprehensively discusses the issues that have been so painfully silent in the Body of Christ.
He has also authored his second book entitled Down Low or Low Down, The Sexual Weapon of Mass Destruction—What the church should Know. This publication boldly exposes the Down Low culture and how it has adversely affected the Body of Christ and society. It’s an discussion on a real problem in the Church and establishes the responsibility of the Church in regards to this issue. It also offers the reality of escape and avoidance of this hellish bondage and the role the Church has in this issue.
In addition Elder King has completed his “Sola Scriptura” abstinence curriculum. This curriculum is designed to provide a Biblical world view of the value of abstinence and focus on sexuality the way God intended. He believes that the subject of sexuality needs to be taught and discussed in both the home and the Church, not in the public arena or the schools. This curriculum is created for parents, pastors, youth, young adult and singles leaders or anyone wanting to have a means of learning or teaching abstinence from a Biblical perspective.
This curriculum was used as the resource for the very first “Abstinence Education” Pathfinder Honor class taught at the 2009 South Atlantic Conference camp meeting.
In addition to the abstinence curriculum, he has also develop the “Bee Wise” Children’s Critical Life Skills Curriculum, for children ages 4 and up. This curriculum was designed to address the very serious problem of CSM (childhood sexual molestation) and to be used by parents to teach their child how to recognize, avoid, and report CSM. The additional benefits are identified via the link above. Susan King brings to the ministry valuable skills when it comes to dealing with youth and females. Her personal testimony regarding CSM and rape while young, creates an atmosphere of transparency that’s so important when addressing the sensitive subjects of CSM and sexual abuse experienced by so many females in the Body of Christ. She conducts a special breakout session while Elder King addresses the adult population of a congregation. Her session “breaks the ice” with the youth and also collects valuable information that empowers the pastor and youth department leaders to better address the sexual issue facing the youth. The Kings have the God given burden to help re-establish the value of virginity in the Body of Christ and help the Church celebrate the awesome gift of sexuality, instead of being ashamed to even mention or discuss openly sexual issues. They believe that Satan is using sexuality as an effective weapon against the Body of Christ and unless the Church becomes “REAL” and stops running away from issues and reality, it will never be the healing component on earth and the organization of change God has intended and enabled.
In addition to being an author, Elder and sister Susan King conducts their unique 2V seminar throughout the country, which is non-compromising, passionate, life changing and effective. This seminar re-establishes the value of virginity and establishes the biblical principles of human sexuality, while at the same time, exposes the many myths and lies we have come to believe. Because of the involvement of the Holy Spirit, many teens and single adults have made vows of virginity or celibacy after the information from the seminar is received and understood. It is the fact that someone is talking to them with love and genuine concern that enables hearts to be softened and mindsets changed. Knowledge is power and the three plus hours it takes to complete this seminar insures that a lot of power is being offered and received.
The King’s burden is genuine and they are driven to expose the lie about sexuality that’s caused the ruin of so many people of God. Their goal is to develop a nationwide ministry that helps congregations, faith based organization and others make virginity and righteous living a priority, use and appreciate the gift of sexuality as God intends and help facilitate the coming together of ministries that want to reverse the assault of sexual immorality that’s been launched against the Body of Christ.
God has blessed Elder King to be successful in establishing a coalition of pastors and ministry leaders from varied denominations, which together represent over 5,000 members. The coalition is called the “Christian Coalition for Moral Purity and Heterosexual Marriage”. Together these pastors and ministry leaders have committed to indeed make virginity and sexual purity a priority in their congregations and break the cycle of ignorance and avoidance when it comes to sexual issues. The coalition is also working to establish a union of ministries that will boldly speak out loud and proclaim God’s will in regards to marriage and the family.
Elder King was instrumental in exposing the information that motivated these righteous men and women of God to consider the ineffectiveness of the Church in combating sexual promiscuity in all forms and vow to work together to reverse the generational curse of ignorance and disobedience that’s caused untold amounts of suffering and death, both physically and spiritually.
Be sure to view the video clips below.
God also recently blessed Securing Hope Ministry to realize a goal of conducting two conferences on sexual purity and restoration. The first conference was held in Greensboro, NC, November of 2007.
The affair was blessed to have over 600 people from all denominations and ethnic communities attend. Ministries as far west as California and as far south as Florida were involved. Mike Haley from Focus on the Family was one of our main speakers and Mr. AC Green retired pro-basketball player was the keynote speaker. A set of four DVDs were created to capture the spirit and resulting impact the conference had on the attendees and people are anxiously awaiting the next one in 2008.
Elder King, his book and the conference has had local, national and international media coverage. He has been interviewed on TCT, which is shown in over 170 countries and is currently the creator/producer of his own local weekly television show entitled, Sex, Satan and the Church.
Elder King believes that every member of the Body of Christ has a ministry and an obligation to serve the Body of Christ with that ministry. He is very thankful to not only know what his ministry is, but to be able to use it in a manner that has and will continue to effect generations. Although he is committed to be of service to the entire Body of Christ and to those who are yet to become members, his main objective is to see his family in the kingdom. It is an awesome blessing when one’s family is involved together in serving the Body of Christ and one that he can give praises and honor to Jesus Christ for making a reality in the King family.
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He has been married to the former Susan Peay for over 39 years and they have one son, Raymond S. King III. It was his and his wife’s involvement in starting a study group held in their home each Friday night for over 2 ½ years, with teens and young adults, that lead him to start a ministry God called he and his wife to maintain and to serve the Body of Christ.
The ministry is called “Securing Hope Ministry”, it is a non-profit ministry with a mission to help re-establish the value of virginity in the Body of Christ. It was in preparation for an abstinence program that the members of the study group decided to conduct which made Elder King painfully aware of the major issue involving STDs, our youth and singles. This revelation also made him aware of the lack of information on sexual issues in the Church.
His studies in preparation for the abstinence program together with a conviction to help change the way the Church dealt with sex related issues, lead him to continue doing research. He actually learned about subjects and issues he never was taught and certainly did not hear discussed in Church. The revelation regarding the way society, including the Church, looks at sex and the way God intended it to be viewed and understood, being so different, lead Elder King to author his first book entitled, Sex, Satan and the Church…Exposing the Lie! This book establishes the difference between the activity the world calls sex, and the gift God gave to mankind that Elder King calls intimacy. There is a moral difference, and the consequences experienced when one gets involved with the worldly activity are ones adversely affecting generations. The book is candid and comprehensively discusses the issues that have been so painfully silent in the Body of Christ.
He has also authored his second book entitled Down Low or Low Down, The Sexual Weapon of Mass Destruction—What the church should Know. This publication boldly exposes the Down Low culture and how it has adversely affected the Body of Christ and society. It’s an discussion on a real problem in the Church and establishes the responsibility of the Church in regards to this issue. It also offers the reality of escape and avoidance of this hellish bondage and the role the Church has in this issue.
In addition Elder King has completed his “Sola Scriptura” abstinence curriculum. This curriculum is designed to provide a Biblical world view of the value of abstinence and focus on sexuality the way God intended. He believes that the subject of sexuality needs to be taught and discussed in both the home and the Church, not in the public arena or the schools. This curriculum is created for parents, pastors, youth, young adult and singles leaders or anyone wanting to have a means of learning or teaching abstinence from a Biblical perspective.
This curriculum was used as the resource for the very first “Abstinence Education” Pathfinder Honor class taught at the 2009 South Atlantic Conference camp meeting.
In addition to the abstinence curriculum, he has also develop the “Bee Wise” Children’s Critical Life Skills Curriculum, for children ages 4 and up. This curriculum was designed to address the very serious problem of CSM (childhood sexual molestation) and to be used by parents to teach their child how to recognize, avoid, and report CSM. The additional benefits are identified via the link above. Susan King brings to the ministry valuable skills when it comes to dealing with youth and females. Her personal testimony regarding CSM and rape while young, creates an atmosphere of transparency that’s so important when addressing the sensitive subjects of CSM and sexual abuse experienced by so many females in the Body of Christ. She conducts a special breakout session while Elder King addresses the adult population of a congregation. Her session “breaks the ice” with the youth and also collects valuable information that empowers the pastor and youth department leaders to better address the sexual issue facing the youth. The Kings have the God given burden to help re-establish the value of virginity in the Body of Christ and help the Church celebrate the awesome gift of sexuality, instead of being ashamed to even mention or discuss openly sexual issues. They believe that Satan is using sexuality as an effective weapon against the Body of Christ and unless the Church becomes “REAL” and stops running away from issues and reality, it will never be the healing component on earth and the organization of change God has intended and enabled.
In addition to being an author, Elder and sister Susan King conducts their unique 2V seminar throughout the country, which is non-compromising, passionate, life changing and effective. This seminar re-establishes the value of virginity and establishes the biblical principles of human sexuality, while at the same time, exposes the many myths and lies we have come to believe. Because of the involvement of the Holy Spirit, many teens and single adults have made vows of virginity or celibacy after the information from the seminar is received and understood. It is the fact that someone is talking to them with love and genuine concern that enables hearts to be softened and mindsets changed. Knowledge is power and the three plus hours it takes to complete this seminar insures that a lot of power is being offered and received.
The King’s burden is genuine and they are driven to expose the lie about sexuality that’s caused the ruin of so many people of God. Their goal is to develop a nationwide ministry that helps congregations, faith based organization and others make virginity and righteous living a priority, use and appreciate the gift of sexuality as God intends and help facilitate the coming together of ministries that want to reverse the assault of sexual immorality that’s been launched against the Body of Christ.
God has blessed Elder King to be successful in establishing a coalition of pastors and ministry leaders from varied denominations, which together represent over 5,000 members. The coalition is called the “Christian Coalition for Moral Purity and Heterosexual Marriage”. Together these pastors and ministry leaders have committed to indeed make virginity and sexual purity a priority in their congregations and break the cycle of ignorance and avoidance when it comes to sexual issues. The coalition is also working to establish a union of ministries that will boldly speak out loud and proclaim God’s will in regards to marriage and the family.
Elder King was instrumental in exposing the information that motivated these righteous men and women of God to consider the ineffectiveness of the Church in combating sexual promiscuity in all forms and vow to work together to reverse the generational curse of ignorance and disobedience that’s caused untold amounts of suffering and death, both physically and spiritually.
Be sure to view the video clips below.
God also recently blessed Securing Hope Ministry to realize a goal of conducting two conferences on sexual purity and restoration. The first conference was held in Greensboro, NC, November of 2007.
The affair was blessed to have over 600 people from all denominations and ethnic communities attend. Ministries as far west as California and as far south as Florida were involved. Mike Haley from Focus on the Family was one of our main speakers and Mr. AC Green retired pro-basketball player was the keynote speaker. A set of four DVDs were created to capture the spirit and resulting impact the conference had on the attendees and people are anxiously awaiting the next one in 2008.
Elder King, his book and the conference has had local, national and international media coverage. He has been interviewed on TCT, which is shown in over 170 countries and is currently the creator/producer of his own local weekly television show entitled, Sex, Satan and the Church.
Elder King believes that every member of the Body of Christ has a ministry and an obligation to serve the Body of Christ with that ministry. He is very thankful to not only know what his ministry is, but to be able to use it in a manner that has and will continue to effect generations. Although he is committed to be of service to the entire Body of Christ and to those who are yet to become members, his main objective is to see his family in the kingdom. It is an awesome blessing when one’s family is involved together in serving the Body of Christ and one that he can give praises and honor to Jesus Christ for making a reality in the King family.
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